

My two biggest obsessions lately have been coloring and watching the show Army Wives, and luckily I’m able to do both at the same time.

This is the pictures I’ve been drawing while watching the show.

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.


First Baking Attempt

First Baking Attempt2

So I tried baking, alone, for the very first time a few days ago. I guess you could say it was a little bit interesting, maybe?

So I decided that I wanted to start simple and make sugar cookies and I tried this recipe here. I really wanted to make sugar cookies that could hold their shape. My Nana has an amazing sugar cookie recipe, but the cookies are always super fluffy and look nothing like what shape you picked. I will have to make them one day when I just want cookies though. But this time I wanted shaped cookies.

Anyways. I decided on the recipe and got the ingredients. The next day I was ready to make the cookies. So I began, mixed a little of the ingredients together, and then I got to the sifting part. My family did have something to sift the flour and stuff at one point but apparently we don’t anymore. So as an alternative I tried using a strainer. I spent about 40 minutes trying to sift one cup of flour through this thing. After that I was like ‘forget this I’m going to the store, it will be much quicker.’ So one trip to target later I was back home to finish my cookies and I sifted the other fore cups of flour in about 10 seconds.

So I did all that, mixed the rest of the stuff into dough and tasted it. It was good, but a bit salty. Even though I’ve been to school and learned the difference between measurements I still managed to forget there was a thing such as The Tea Spoon. So I accidentally used a Table Spoon of salt instead of a Tea Spoon… (I also did this with the vanilla, but I think that was an improvement.)

I like to think I’m not the only one who’s ever done this. I mean the measurements are spelled tbsp and tsp. It is a little bit confusing, at least in my opinion…

So yeah. Next I cut out the dough with a heart, star, and circle thingy (which as apparently been passed down my family for a few generations) cookie cutters. I made quite a few of them with the cookie cutters and then made more shapeless. Their were a lot of cookies, If you use this recipe either make half or have a big family. (My sisters dog was in love with these cookies and I fed a good portion of them to him.)

So yeah, that’s my first baking story. Also, continuing in my theme of firsts for that day, I went into a liquor store for the first time. (I don’t drink so it wasn’t that exciting…)

Anyways. Have an amazing day/night.


Here’s a picture of the cookies as well…


The Running Post

I started running sometime last year (yeah I don’t remember specifically when). It was something I just kind of fell in love with, its also a great way to exercise. It was also something I could easily do. I just threw some shoes on, grabbed the dog, and headed out the door.

When I first started I could barley make it down the street, which is not far at all (probably about a 30 second run). After a little bit research I found that this is pretty common for a beginner. I can at the moment happily run for about 5 (7 if I really waned to) minutes. I usually end up at 0.40 or 0.50 miles before I have to stop and walk. Yeah, this is a great improvement for where I was, and I am proud of what I’m able to do. But I could be doing so much better.

I did some research not to long ago about races, a marathon to be more specific. A marathon is 26.2 miles. Which honestly sounds crazy to me. I’m only on a treadmill for 1.30 miles (20 minutes) and that’s about as much as I can do right now. So yeah, a marathon is no easy thing. It requires a ton of training, and can take you up to 3-5 years to be ready for.

I don’t really have any goals in my life, but I’ve decided to put ‘run a marathon’ on the five year goal list.

First things first though, and that’s a 5k. A 3.1 mile race. Very do able. I’m wanting to accomplish this by fall. I probably could do this sooner if tried hard enough, but I’m too much of a baby to run in the summer heat. I currently run on a treadmill in an air-conditioned gym. Planet fitness to be exact. So yes, fall, cool refreshing fall.


2017-06-16 11.36.35 1


So anyways, those are my plans when it comes to running.

Also when it comes to running I 100% recommend these shoes (Asics Gel – Cumulus 18), my feet have never hurt with these, their so comfy. If you’re thinking about running I really do recommend you invest in shoes. Invest in things you’re pursuing!




Have an amazing day/night.


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A Loss For Words


So, I have not written in a few day. Its definitely not because of a lack of idea’s, I have a few idea’s of things I want to write about. The problem is writers block.

I sit down, I open my writing program, and nothing. I sit there for about a good five minutes thinking ‘I can’t do this’ and yes I’ve written a few words but everyone of them were written in agony. About ten minutes later I give and think ‘tonight is just not the night.’

So yeah, pretty annoying when you’re wanting to get content out. And yeah, I really want to write but the words just wont type out. Just an annoying thing writers block.

The good news is, it does pass, and luckily for me no really reads this blog yet (except for my amazing sister) so I guess I’m okay to have a writers block right now. I do want to get into a routine of posting though. Even if no reads this (except for you Ally, seriously you’re amazing) yet.

Have a wonderful day/night.


Way to Wake Up

Hello again.

So I was reading The Skinny Confidential’s newer post (I am loving her blog by the way) and it was talking about vibes and meditation, and kind of how she started off her morning, and it kind of got me thinking about my morning.

The best mornings for me are usually when I get out some good happy music out and start reading my Christian books (like something by Joyce Meyer or Lysa Terkeurst.) I really like these type of books because they are very positive and they usually give you wisdom on how to be a little in life. I’m young, and I definitely need all the wisdom I can get…

Blog’s are also an amazing my to start the morning. They are very positive, usually give you some sort of creative boost. I don’t know, theirs just something about seeing and reading about someone else’s life that just kind of makes you want to do more with yours. At least its that way for me.

Oddly I find that the best time to clean my room is in the morning. When ever I wake and instantly make my bed I find it less annoying then when I do it any other time. I suppose this is actually a good thing considering that if I do this in the morning I don’t have to think about it the rest of the day.

Honestly I just find being up in the morning to be really positive. I don’t know why but morning just always has good vibes. Unless you go to bed way too late and wake up way to early and don’t have all the glories hours of sleep you need. Yeah, that was my morning today. And even though I could go back to bed I was kept up by my sisters crying dog for about an hour. Eventually I did end up getting some more sleep, but then I woke up at around 2 p.m. I am grateful that I get to sleep in, but waking up early is on my list of things I want to get better at.

So yeah, there’s a bit of my thoughts. Now here’s some pictures of my sleeping space.



Have a great day/night.


First Post and What To Expect on Here

Hello wonderful person who has stumbled upon my blog. My reasons for starting this are simple, I want to be more adventures and experience life. I figured having a blog would be a good excuse to want to try new things. You know, you have to have new things to write about, meaning you have to do new things.

My life hasn’t been that exciting for a long time now… I’ve sort of slipped into a routine where I do the same thing everyday just watching the days go by. And suddenly its about five years of this now. Of course there are a few exciting days here and there, but I’d say 97% days of the year are the same. I’m not making any progress on anything, and I’ve had enough of it.

I want more out of life. And yes I’m a bit scared…

So here’s a few of the things I like and will probably end up posting. And I guess this is a little bit of a way of knowing more about me and stuff I like.

  • Craft stuff/DIY‘s. I was definitely made to create.
  • Decorating. I may not be able to decorate a real home, but sims does just fine.
  • Gaming. If I’ve got sucked into another world, I’ll probably post about it.
  • Baking. Well maybe. It was definitely on my list of things I wanted to do more of this year… but now its half way into the year and I haven’t made any progress in this area. But hopefully.
  • Running/Gym Stuff. Another thing on my list this year was to run a marathon. I can run a mile in about 15 minutes, but that’s about as much as I do. I defiantly need to start taking this a little bit more seriously and figure out how to make this dream a reality. So yeah, I’ll be posting the progress and thoughts about everything here.
  • Godly stuff. I am a Christian girl, so I’ll probably post some scripter’s or maybe some thoughts on stuff from time to time.
  • Family stuff. I have an amazing mother and father and two amazing sisters. I love them all very much and I’m sure they’ll make their way on here eventually.


I also consider myself to be a typo queen… so just expect that to happen too (if it hasn’t happened already).

I’m pretty excited about starting this, even though I’ve never considered myself much of a writer. And even if no one reads this at least this is a place where I can shed some of my thoughts and document my life, (hopefully I start having things to document).

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night.
